Archive for November, 2019

Childhood Blood Diseases

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Pediatric hematologist/oncologist Jennifer McNeer, MD, provides an introduction to childhood blood disorders, and how these conditions are diagnosed and treated at Comer Children’s Hospital at the University of Chicago. Childhood blood disorders include sickle cell disease, aplastic anemia, thalassemia, hemophilia, immunodeficiency syndromes, and more.
Learn more At Forefront of Medicine:
Make an appointment today at 888-824-0200.
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Minor Global Health 2018 – Video Documentary 'Non-communicable diseases in South-Africa'

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South Africa is currently experiencing an epidemiological transition. Due to this status of the country and its society, communicable diseases are making up one side of the
spectrum of the quadruple burden of disease of the country, while on the other side, NCDs disease have been and are still emerging.
This collision of communicable and non-communicable diseases are influencing the health of the South Africans. Due to the hanging requirements of the populations wellbeing, the health care system has to anticipate.
In our video documentary we have looked into the current situation of the communicable and non- communicable diseases in South Africa, how the country and health care system is reacting to the
epidemiological shift and what should be done in the near future to lessen the quadruple burden of disease.
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BIOLOGICAL MEDICINE as practiced by Dr. Thomas Rau, M.D., Director of the Swiss Paracelsus Klinik Lustmuhle, combines the most modern diagnostic equipment with a wide range of traditional natural healing methods. It also integrates dentistry, as there is such a close relationship between teeth and health. BIOLOGICAL MEDICINE is a comprehensive and integrated approach to health and illness. It is “biological” and shows logically how we get ill by identifying the sequential phases of degeneration which lead from minor ailments to various chronic diseases. Illness is defined as a loss of regulatory capacity; that is, the inability to correctly respond to a wide variety of internal, environmental and lifestyle factors. The internal milieu or terrain, a central idea in BIOLOGICAL MEDICINE, needs to be balanced so that pathogenic microbial forms cannot develop and cause numerous diseases. Internal sites of chronic focal infections and “disturbance fields” but also toxic burdens are other important factors frequently overlooked in the treatment of degenerative diseases. In BIOLOGICAL MEDICINE, healing is defined as the restoration of regulatory capacity. This is achieved by removing the physical and emotional blockages to self-healing. Detoxification methods, immune system activation and the mobilization of healing at the psycho-spiritual level enable the regeneration of the body, mind and soul.