Archive for the tag: Tape

KT Tape – Inner Knee

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Learn how to use KT Tape for pain relief and support with our easy to follow, step-by-step instructions. In this video, we cover the basics of KT Tape application to help relieve pain associated with the inner knee.

The Pes Anserine (goose’s foot) is the joining of three tendons on the front and inside portion of the lower knee area. The bursae in this area allow for smooth sliding of these tendons with the medial hamstrings and the medial collateral ligament. The bursae will often become inflamed during periods of overuse and cause mild to moderate pain. The three muscles (Sartorius, Gracilis, and Semitendinosus) whose tendons insert into this area all serve to flex the knee and affect hip position. Learn how to tape knee for stability and general KT Tape inner knee application here.

The primary cause of Pes Bursitis is overly tight hamstrings that put extra pressure on the surrounding bursae. Tight quads (especially in females), a blunt force to the inside of the knee, or over-pronation while running could also be causes. A rapid increase of activity without a proper stretching regimen is likely going to cause issues with the Pes Anserine area in the form of inflammation of the bursae or minor tearing of the tendons. This condition is also often found concurrently in patients who are experiencing Osgood-Schlatter syndrome, arthritis, or tears in the medial meniscus. KT Tape for knee bursitis can help alleviate some symptoms and pain. You can also learn more about medial meniscus taping and general applications for MCL kinesio taping techniques.

Pes Bursitis will at its worst be mild to moderate pain at the inside and lower-front portion of the knee. Pain beyond this point could be a sign of stress fractures or more serious issues involving ligaments. When pain becomes more than a simple annoying pain, the individual should seek alternative means for cardiovascular training and focus on a stretching regimen for the hamstrings and quadriceps.

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Inner Knee KT Tape can help reduce pain and inflammation for many common inner knee injuries*. Both results will drastically reduce pain and reduce the time to heal*. As mentioned, a complete stretching regimen for the hamstrings and quads should be put in place as well. NSAIDs, ice after activity, and alternative means for cardiovascular fitness such as swimming should also be implemented. After symptoms are gone, focus on strength training of the lower body and continued flexibility.

Whether you’re an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or simply looking to manage pain and improve mobility, this video has something for you. For a full library of taping videos specific to different body parts, injuries, and uses, visit Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel @KTTapevideos for more informative videos like this one!

*Not clinically proven for all injuries.
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KT Tape – Full Shoulder

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Learn how to use KT Tape for pain relief and support with our easy to follow, step-by-step instructions. In this video, we cover the basics of KT Tape application to help relieve pain in and provide support for the full shoulder. This application can also be used to help reduce post-workout muscle soreness (DOMS) by applying KT Tape before you workout, and keeping the tape on for up to 48hrs after your workout is complete.

Whether you’re an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or simply looking to manage pain and improve mobility, this video has something for you.

For a full library of taping videos specific to different body parts, injuries, and uses, visit

Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel @KTTapevideos for more informative videos like this one!

The shoulder is a complex and relatively unstable joint that every person uses extensively on a daily basis. There are many muscles and forces that act on the shoulder, and when any of these is overactive or underactive, problems can arise.


Causes of general shoulder pain are extensive and can be due to injuries of the many muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, cartilage, or bones that make up the shoulder complex, including the rotator cuff, deltoid and labrum. Stress, compensation from past injury, or inflammation due to poor biomechanics is often the cause of continued general shoulder pain.

Though shoulder pain can have many different root causes, it is often associated with raised shoulders. Dropping the shoulders will almost always create more joint space and relieve the stress and pain in the shoulder.


Use this application to create a gentle reminder to keep good posture and relax the shoulder muscles to bring the shoulders down into a healthier position. Regardless of the source of shoulder problem, this application can greatly reduce the pain and improve biomechanics*. Use this application in combination with other more specific shoulder applications for the best effect.

*Not clinically proven for all injuries.

KT Tape – Ankle Sprain

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KT Tape - Ankle Sprain

Learn how to use KT Tape for pain relief and support with our easy to follow, step-by-step instructions. In this video, we cover the basics of KT Tape application to help relieve pain associated with Ankle Sprain.

This application can be used for a variety of ankle issues including sprained ankles, inflamed tendons in the ankle, stretched ligaments, inflamed tendons, or general ankle weakness. The added support will give you the confidence and support during the rehabilitation phase of an injury as well as the stability and pain relief during activity*.

Ankle injuries can happen a number of different ways. They can occur during an acute injury, or a sudden rolling or twisting of the ankle. These types of injuries generally involve great pain and swelling. Typically, acute injuries are inversion ankle sprains wherein the foot rolls to the inside while stepping on an uneven surface such as a curb, hole, or root. The first strip applied will help to keep the foot everted and decrease your tendency to suffer another sprain. The second and third strips provide excellent proprioceptive stability.

Overuse or chronic ankle injuries occur overtime and are often the result of over training or training in poor conditions such as inappropriate footwear, uneven or dense surfaces, or simply too much too soon. These injuries are characterized by inflammation and are generally the result of other injuries. The stability provided by this application allows these inflamed tendons and ligaments to rest and avoid further injury.

Ankle pain, instability or weakness can lead to chronic sprains and tearing of ligaments and tendons and lead to other injuries. Unlike traditional ankle braces, KT Tape provides support that is very comfortable and allows you to have a greater range of motion. This application also helps to provide support without limiting your range of motion or decreasing your blood flow.

Whether you’re an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or simply looking to manage pain and improve mobility, this video has something for you. For a full library of taping videos specific to different body parts, injuries, and uses, visit Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel @KTTapevideos for more informative videos like this one!

*Not clinically proven for all injuries.

KT Tape – Achilles Tendonitis

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Learn how to use KT Tape for pain relief and support with our easy to follow, step-by-step instructions. In this video, we cover the basics of KT Tape application to help relieve pain associated with Achilles Tendonitis.

Whether you’re an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or simply looking to manage pain and improve mobility, this video has something for you.

For a full library of taping videos specific to different body parts, injuries, and uses, visit

Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel @KTTapevideos for more informative videos like this one!

Tendinitis typically develops after abrupt changes in activity or training level, use of poorly fit or worn footwear, or training on uneven or dense running surfaces. Overuse prior to sufficient training is generally the cause. This is due to forces 8-10 times the body weight acting on the tendon during physical activity.

Achilles injuries range from inflammation to a breakdown in tendon. Pain is generally felt low on the back of the heel due to the low vascularity and susceptibility for inflammation. Pain higher on the Achilles is generally more muscular pain and less tendonitis. If swollen or knots are found along the tendon, or if the tendon feels jagged, cease activity an seek professional medical care.

Along with proper rest, icing, and anti-inflammatory medication, KT Tape can help relieve this pain and reduce inflammation along this crucial tendon*. Though even walking can become painful with Achilles injuries, KT Tape can get you moving again*.

*Not clinically proven for all injuries.
Video Rating: / 5

KT Tape: Rotator Cuff

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The rotator cuff is the group of muscles and their tendons that act to stabilize the shoulder. These muscles are relatively small, yet are extremely important in all shoulder movements. They start at the shoulder blade and connect to the upper arm in a fashion that forms a “cuff” to provide the needed stability and mechanics of the shoulder. To further explain the vital nature of these muscles, understand that the shoulder joint is much like a golf ball sitting on a tee. This design is necessary for the wide range of motion needed from the arm, but inherently creates a relatively unstable joint. The rotator cuff muscles are the muscles responsible for countering this unstable state. Though often thought to be an injury related specifically to athletic activity, incidence of rotator cuff injury is just as high in non-athletic populations.

Rotator cuff injuries generally involve many factors. Incidences of injury increases with age and degeneration of the tendons, but younger individuals with this condition have likely overused the shoulder joint or have developed muscle imbalances or poor biomechanics. Causes include muscle tears, overuse, hyperextension or hyperflexion of the shoulder, poor throwing form, among others. The tendons at the ends of the rotator cuff muscles can become torn or inflamed and lead to pain or restricted arm movement. Torn rotator cuffs can also occur following acute trauma to the shoulder, or more commonly through the overuse of the tendons. Athletes or individuals that frequently make repeated throwing motions, swinging motions, or explosive pushing or pulling motions are especially at high risk. Swimming, racquet sports, and throwing sports are all good examples of activities with high incidents of rotator cuff problems.

Rotator cuff pain presents as pain among the muscles in the shoulder that are responsible for rotation and lifting. Pain is generally felt at the front and outside of the shoulder or in the shoulder itself. Symptoms include pain, weakness, raised shoulders, and decreased range of motion. The pain is made worse with activities requiring the arm to operate overhead or out in front of the body. Clicking, catching, or snapping are rare symptoms in rotator cuff injuries and may be indicative of other problems such as a torn labrum or fracture.

Early diagnosis and action is essential to prevent irreparable damage. KT Tape can be used during the healing process to create stability, relieve pressure, increase circulation, and relax the overworked or strained muscle. Icing after activity and rest are essential and should be combined with NSAIDs to combat inflammation and pain. After the initial healing process has completed, a strengthening rehab program should be implemented.

For additional resources, please visit the KT Tape website at
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